Thanks to the relatively recent hardware in the new generation of consoles, the PS4 version that I tested looks pretty damn good, and seems to perform on par with the PC version running at 1080p, albeit with a frame rate that appears to be slightly less smooth when a lot is going on. Co-op is arguably the best way to enjoy this game, and with your partner sitting next to you it's potentially even better still. Something controller-based gameplay allows for which is difficult on PC is easy same-screen co-operative play. I never really felt like I was hurting for a breadth of attacks to handle any situation, despite being able to equip a few fewer to the console hotkeys than I might on PC. The way that your attacks are executed hasn't changed, but with far less buttons to work with, how you pull those off has been jigged about in a way that I can only really describe as smart. In essence it plays a bit like any fairly far zoomed out third person game, with one stick controlling your movement and the other used for a dodge move that at the flick of a stick sends you rolling out of the way of enemy attacks.

As such, that's been switched for a more action game like setup. Diablo as a series has always been defined by point-and-click control, something that just isn't possible on the PlayStation or Xbox without plugging in peripherals the vast majority won't bother with. It only makes sense to start with control. Same-screen 'couch' co-op is a huge draw of the console version.